We issue regular publications and series, mainly for download. Research results are also published as monographs by various publishers.
The publications published by other publishers can be found below.
Series “Hamburg Publications on Media, Copyright and Telecommunications Law”
The series Hamburger Schriften zum Medien- , Urheber- und Telekommunikationsrecht (Hamburg publications on media, copyright and telecommunications law), edited by Dr. Wolfgang Schulz, is published by Nomos-Verlag, Baden-Baden. The series aims to provide a platform for monographs on all fields of law in the area of information and communication that solve current problems arising primarily from technical or social change. At present, communication in networks raises legal questions of a fundamental nature, from the traditional right of expression to the relationship between technology and content regulation, which also have an impact on traditional forms of communication. The series is explicitly open to both transdisciplinary and international comparative approaches. It takes up the Hamburg research tradition in this field, which focuses on questions of new forms of regulation, takes into account constitutional references in the law of communication and does not see the distinction between public law and civil law as a barrier to legal problem-solving.
International Media Handbook
The International Media Handbook (Internationales Handbuch Medien, formerly: “für Rundfunk und Fernsehen”) was published by the Hans Bredow Institute from 1950 to 2009; the last edition with approx. 1300 pages was published in 2009. The handbook provided compact information on the legal and organizational foundations in the areas of print, broadcasting and online media, on the most important players, the range of programmes on offer and the development trends in European countries and many countries around the world. The contents of the International Handbook will no longer be published in print format, but will be made available via an online platform. Planning is at an advanced stage, but the date of implementation is still unclear.