Living in Different Worlds? Social Networks and Societal Cohesion in Germany

  • Date: 02.07.24
  • Location: Online
  • Time: 16:00 h

The next Leibniz Media Lecture will be hosted by the Hamburg section of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC)Dr. Jean-Yves Gerlitz and Dr. Nils Teichler, researchers at the RISC’s section in Bremen, will present the RISC’s first cohesion report.
Moderation: PD Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt


4:00 – 5:30 p.m.


The event will take place online via Zoom. After registering, you will receive the dial-in details by e-mail shortly before the event begins.

About the Presentation

“Sometimes I feel like I’m living in a bubble” – quite a few people in Germany would agree with this statement. Even if you may meet very different people in everyday life, your own circle of acquaintances often consists mainly of people who are quite similar to you. The tendency for social groups to keep to themselves is by no means new or problematic in itself. However, in view of increasing and heated social conflicts, the question arises: Is there a “decoupling” of social groups in Germany? And to what extent are social “bubbles” shaping people’s attitudes, values and feelings and thus jeopardizing social cohesion? The first cohesion report by the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) gets to the bottom of these questions based on data from the German Social Cohesion Panel (SCP) from 2021.

You can download the report here
Summary of the report

About the Speakers

Dr. Jean-Yves Gerlitz is a researcher at the Research Institute for Social Cohesion (FGZ) at the University of Bremen. He is coordinator of the study “German Social Cohesion Panel” (SCP) at the Research Data Center (FDZ-FGZ). In his research, he deals with issues at the intersection of economic inequality, work and social justice.

Dr. Nils Teichler is a researcher at the Research Institute Social Cohesion (FGZ) at the University of Bremen. He is coordinator for the monitoring of social cohesion at the Research Data Center (FDZ-FGZ). His research focuses on precarious employment, poverty and social exclusion as well as political alienation.

Event details



via Zoom

Project reference:

Research Institute Social Cohesion

Research programme:

RP 1 Transformation of Public Communication

Persons involved:

Contact person

Wiebke Schoon

Dr. Wiebke Schoon

Research Transfer and Events

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Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg


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