Research Programs

The academic profile of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) is shaped by it’s research programs: program-related research is based on basic research question that usually cover a period of several years and that are processed by successive in-house and third-party-funded research.

The Institute’s task of researching the development of public communication in the media society is the basis for its four current research programs, which run across the disciplinary pillars:

The Institute productively combines the processing of long-term basic scientific questions with practice-oriented expertise for politics, business and civil society. The work is always committed to the standards of scientific excellence and the principle of research independence.

Last update: 10.07.2024

Topics in this area

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Transformation of Public Communication

Research Program 1 "Transformation of Public Communication: Journalistic and Intermediary Functions in the Process of Opinion Formation" examines how a public sphere can be constituted under the conditions of a mediated public communication and how opinion formation is made possible.

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Regulatory Structures and the Emergence of Rules in Online Spaces

Research program 2 is based on research interests regarding regulatory structures and the emergence of rules in web-based environments that arise in the process of digitalization.

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Knowledge for the Media Society

Research Program 3 "Knowledge for the Media Society" analyses how evidence-based knowledge from the field of media and communication science can help to meet the challenges of media change.

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Media Research Methods Lab

The Media Research Methods Lab (MRML) combines the methodological expertise of the HBI in an organisational unit linking established social science methods with novel digital procedures


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