In his article with the original German title “Von Kelsen zu Castells? Zu Tendenzen der Vervielfältigung und Dynamisierung des Rechts” in the journal Rechtstheorie, Tobias Mast deals with structural changes in the legal system and the actors involved. While clear hierarchies are developing into network structures, the legal principles to be taken into account and the examination steps to be completed are multiplying. Comparative law is gaining in importance, and the legal system as a whole is being dynamized by competing legal interpretations.
Mast, Tobias: Von Kelsen zu Castells? Zu Tendenzen der Vervielfältigung und Dynamisierung des Rechts [From Kelsen to Castells? On tendencies of the multiplication and dynamization of law]. Rechtstheorie, Vol. 53, issue 3–4, pp. 351–367,