Worlds of Journalism: How is Journalism Doing in Germany?

In the podcast “Satzzeichen”, Anna von Garmissen talks about how journalism is doing in Germany and the findings of a recent study.

What about diversity, political orientation and the self-image of journalists? Answers to these questions can be found in the study “Journalism under Duress: Risk and Uncertainty in a Changing Mediascape“. It is part of the world’s largest journalism study “Worlds of Journalism” and examines many facets of the profession in a representative survey.

The host of the Hanns Seidel Foundation podcast Satzzeichen [Punction Marks], Christian Jakubetz, talks to Anna von Garmissen about the findings. She works at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI), which is entrusted with the realization of the project. From September 2022 to February 2023, the opinion research institute Ipsos conducted a representative survey of full-time journalists under the direction of the HBI.

Episode 219 of the podcast “Satzzeichen” [Punction Marks] has been released in two parts on Spotify:

Last update: 19.07.2024


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