Dr Claudia Lampert is a senior researcher and co-head of the program “Knowledge for the Media Society” at the HBI. Her research focuses on the challenges of digital transformation for media socialisation and health communication as well as on how to make evidence-based knowledge on these topics meaningful for different decision-makers.
In various projects (e.g. EU Kids Online, Security for Children in the Digital World – SIKID, Connected Kids – Socialisation in a Changing Media Environment), she investigates the role of digital media in children’s and young people’s lives and the challenges for everyday media education and family life. Since 2020, she has coordinated the H2020 project “Children Online: Research and Evidence – CO:RE“, developing an international knowledge database.
In her PhD thesis, she addressed the extent to which fictional television programmes can be helpful in promoting young people’s health (keyword: entertainment-education, Lampert 2007). Since then, she has worked on many health-related media offerings and formats, the health information behaviour of different groups, and the potential and limitations of other communication channels in strategic health communication.
Further Activities and Memberships
Claudia Lampert is co-author of the textbooks “Medienpädagogik” [Media Education] (Süss/Lampert/Trültzsch-Wijnen, 3rd edition, 2018) and “Gesundheitskommunikation und Medien” [Health Communication and Media] (Fromm/Baumann/Lampert, 2011). In addition, she is a member of various expert groups and advisory boards, including the DGPuK expert group on Dr. Claudia Lampertmedia education, the GMK, the DGfE section on media education, Mediennetz Hamburg, the advisory board of Media Smart e.V., the advisory board of the “SCHAU HIN!” initiative and the advisory board of the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA).