Since September 2007, Joan Kristin Bleicher has been a full professor at the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Universität Hamburg and an associate staff member of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI).
Her interests emphasise the areas of media aesthetics and history, theories of narration, contemporary literature and foundational research on the Internet. From the summer semester 2001 onwards, she has held a professorship in the Germanic Institute at Universität Hamburg. From spring 2002 until autumn 2007, she held a joint professorship in “Media Studies” at the Hans-Bredow-Institut and Universität Hamburg.
Prof. Dr. Joan Kristin Bleicher studied German Language and Literature, American Studies and general literary criticism in Giessen, Bloomington/USA and Siegen. She obtained a doctorate at the University of Siegen and worked from 1986-1995 in the special research area no. 240 of the German Research Foundation “Ästhetik, Pragmatik und Geschichte der Bildschirmmedien. Schwerpunkt: Fernsehen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland” [Aesthetics, Pragmatics and History of the screen-based Media. Special Emphasis: Television in the Federal Republic of Germany]. After teaching posts at the universities of Saarbrücken, Marburg, Lüneburg and Hamburg, Joan Kristin Bleicher wrote her post-doctoral thesis at Universität Hamburg.