
We offer a variety of events online and in presence, for scientific and non-scientific interested people.

Upcoming events can be found below. And click here for our event archive.

Our Scientific Events

The following series of events are primarily aimed at a scientific audience:

  • Leibniz Media Lunch Talks series: one-hour online event via Zoom with a short presentation by an expert followed by a discussion, usually from 12 noon on a Tuesday
  • Leibniz Media Lectures series: one-and-a-half-hour online or hybrid event with presentations by experts followed by a discussion, usually from 4 p.m. on a Tuesday
  • Conferences and workshops on current research issues: one- or two-day specialist events with international experts, irregular

Our Events for Non-Scientific Target Groups

The offers for different, predominantly non-scientific target groups include

  • Events as part of the “Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC)“: various formats and partner institutions from the FGZ context
  • Hamburg Media Symposium: half-day event in cooperation with the Medienanstalt Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein MAHSH and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, once a year in June
  • Cooperation events with various institutions: joint events with partners such as the University of Hamburg, ZEIT STIFTUNG BUCERIUS, Körber-Stiftung
  • results-oriented workshops and working sessions with experts

Contact person: Dr. Wiebke Schoon

Last update: 17.07.2024

Upcoming events

Veranstaltung Bredows on Tour

Access Permitted Only with Proof of Age?

25. March 2025

Dr. Stephan Dreyer will speak about the current legal framework for age verification and age verification in digital spaces at the medien impuls symposium. He will then take part in a final discussion with other experts on the question “Which risks are minimized by age checks – and which remain or arise?”

Verantstaltungsort Berlin / Livestream
Veranstaltung Bredows on Tour

Did Algorithms and Fake News Decide the Election?

25. March 2025

In a public lecture as part of Hamburg's Week of Science Communication, Prof. Dr. Judith Möller will discuss the extent to which algorithms and fake news in social media influence political voting behavior.

Verantstaltungsort Hamburg
Veranstaltung Bredows on Tour

Informational Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy

27. March 2025

Prof. Dr. Matthias Kettemann has been invited by the Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) to speak about the role of mis- and disinformation in the age of artificial intelligence. He will present current research findings and derive regulatory, civil society and educational measures to strengthen information integrity and democratic resilience.

Verantstaltungsort Online
Veranstaltung Event Recommendation

Media History Lunch Talks

16. April 2025

The international research network Entangled Media Histories (EMHIS), in which the HBI is a partner, has put together a programme of online seminars on media history topics for the spring.

Verantstaltungsort Online
Veranstaltung Bredows on Tour

Facts, Fakes and Feeds

12. May 2025

In a presentation hosted by the Kreisjugendring Stormarn e.V., Dr Jan-Hinrik Schmidt will outline how opinions are formed in digital spaces and how social cohesion is changing.


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