Prof. Dr. Matthias Kettemann has been invited by the Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) to speak about the role of mis- and disinformation in the age of artificial intelligence. He will present current research findings and derive regulatory, civil society and educational measures to strengthen information integrity and democratic resilience. At the same time, he shows that focusing on disinformation can also pose a challenge and argues for a calm approach.
About the event
The digital transformation has profoundly changed the information ecosystem. Mis- and disinformation increasingly pose a threat to democratic public spheres by undermining trust in media and institutions. The report of the International Observatory on Information and Democracy shows that monopolistic tech companies create incentives for the dissemination of manipulative content through data-driven business models. Algorithmic reinforcement mechanisms favor affective polarization, while transparency and regulation often remain inadequate. Artificial intelligence has an ambivalent effect: on the one hand, it reinforces disinformation dynamics, but on the other hand, it also offers tools for detecting and combating false content.
The event “Informationsökosysteme und Demokratie in der Krise” [Informational Ecosystems and Troubled Democracy] will be held in German.