Resonance Instead of Dissonance: On the Pacemakers of the Social Dialogue

  • Date: 18.06.24 - 18.06.24
  • Location: Hamburg
  • Time: 13:30 h

Public communication has started to slip: Discourses and groups seem to be drifting further and further apart. Political social media communication is changing, and many people are concerned about the possible rise of the far right in this year’s European elections and the elections in three German federal states. At the same time, journalism is expected to keep the societal conversation going.

What is happening right now? How are journalism and other stakeholders reacting to the changes? What expectations do we have of traditional media houses and social media? And how can politics and regulation safeguard a joint discourse between diverse voices?

We would like to explore these and other questions together at the 14th Hamburg Media Symposium and we look forward to welcoming you to the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce on 18 June 2024. The event will be held in German.

When: 18 June 2024, from 1:30 pm
Where: Hamburg Chamber of Commerce, Adolphplatz 1, 20457 Hamburg
How: Participation is free of charge, registration required.

The Hamburg Media Symposium is organized by the HBI, the MA HSH, the FGZ Hamburg and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.


1.30 p.m. Welcome address

Michaela Beck, Hamburg Chamber of Commerce
Eva-Maria Sommer, Media Authority Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein

1.45 p.m. Introduction by the Moderator
PD Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt, Research Institute Social Cohesion, Hamburg section, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut

1:50 p.m. Part I: Impulses – What Is Changing Right Now and How Does This Affect the Foundations of the Media Order?

1:50-2:10 p.m. Polarization Dynamics and Communication Strategies of Right-Wing Actors in Social Media (Jan Rau, M.Sc., Research Institute Social Cohesion, Hamburg section, Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut)

2:10-2:30 p.m. Challenges from the Perspective of Media Regulation (Prof. Dr. Eva Ellen Wagner, Faculty of Law, University of Augsburg)

2:30-2:50 p.m. What Tasks and Challenges Does Journalism Face? (Prof. Dr. Barbara Hans, Institute for Arts and Media Management, HfMT University of Music and Theatre Hamburg)

2:50-3:10 p.m. What Can and What May the Media Authorities Do with Regard to the Removal of Right-Wing Content? (Eva-Maria Sommer, Media Authority Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein)

3:10 – 3:30 p.m. Questions via Slido

3.30 – 4.00 pm Coffee break

4.00 – 5.15 p.m. Part II: Panel Discussion: How Do Social Actors in Different Public Spheres Respond to the Challenges?

Moderation: Anna von Garmissen, Leibniz Institute for Media Research

  • Martin Fuchs, political consultant, blogger, speaker
  • Vanessa Bitter, dpa, #UseTheNews
  • Hendrik Lünenborg, Director of the Hamburg State Broadcasting Corporation NDR
  • Tim Klaws, Public Policy and Government Relations Expert, TikTok (tbc)

5.15 pm Closing

Conclusion, followed by a gathering on the roof terrace of the Chamber of Commerce

Event details


The Hamburg Media Symposium was organized by the HBI, the MA HSH, the FGZ Hamburg and the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce.


Handelskammer Hamburg
Adolphsplatz 1
20457 Hamburg

Project reference:

Research Institute Social Cohesion

(Social) Media Observatory

Trust in Established News Sources

Research programme:

RP 1 Transformation of Public Communication

Persons involved:

Contact person

Wiebke Schoon

Dr. Wiebke Schoon

Research Transfer and Events

Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg


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