Hamburg, 20.03.2025. Artificial intelligence in applications such as ChatGPT or Google Gemini, so-called generative AI, is already used by almost 44 percent of the online population. The use of this technology is strongly related to age. In the age group of 16 to 19, almost 96 percent already use generative AI. In the age group of 60 to 69, the figure is just over 18 percent. These are the findings of a representative survey conducted by the Hamburg-based Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) as part of the project “Generative Artificial Intelligence for Information Navigation”, funded by the BMBF. The findings are presented in two videos, a report and a podcast.
In addition to the general motives for use and attitudes, the study focused on the question of whether and how generative AI is used for political information or as a substitute for news in the context of the 2024 European elections. This focus is particularly important because incorrect information is problematic in this context.
Generative AI Used Primarily in Education
The majority of users have so far rarely used generative AI; in most cases, the technology has not yet been integrated into everyday life. However, a notable exception is evident among young people in an educational context. In this particular context, generative AI is already being used frequently by a majority of young people, which makes it necessary to monitor the risks and opportunities of its use more closely.
Lack of Use Due to Lack of Knowledge
The most important reason for not using generative AI is a lack of personal need. In addition, comprehension problems, such as not knowing where or how generative AI can be used, are particularly relevant for older people. If generative AI is to be made accessible to everyone, these obstacles should be specifically removed.
AI Is Rarely Used to Search for Political Information
The use of generative AI for political information or as a substitute for news is currently not very widespread. People who use generative AI for such purposes are also more likely than average to use traditional news media, which relativizes fears that generative AI could replace journalism.
About the Project
The HBI has examined the extent to which, for what purposes and with what reasons the German population uses generative artificial intelligence in applications such as ChatGPT or Google Gemini. 1,461 people in Germany took part in the survey in May and June 2024. More about the project
Project Findings
- Part 1 of the video Use of Generative AI on YouTube
- Part 2 of the video Use of Generative AI for Political Information on YouTube
- The full report on the research project can be found here: Reiss, Michael V.; Knor, Eva Luise; Stöwing, Ezra; Merten, Lisa; Möller, Judith (2025): Zwischen Neugier und Skepsis: Nutzung und Wahrnehmung generativer KI zur Informationssuche in Deutschland [Between Curiosity and Skepticism: Use and Perception of Generative AI for Information Search in Germany]. Hamburg: Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut, March 2025 (Working Papers of the Hans-Bredow-Institut | Project Results No. 76),
- And for those who prefer to listen to a podcast on the topic: In BredowCast #97 “Verbreitung, Nutzung und Akzeptanz generativer KI-Systeme in der deutschen Bevölkerung [Distribution, Use and Acceptance of Generative AI Systems in the German Population]”, Eva Knor and Michael Reiss discuss their research findings and explain why it makes a difference whether I ask a generative AI how long to boil an egg or which party stands for what, why ChatGPT “knows” that a traffic light is red, yellow and green and not blue, and why a Google search is sometimes a better advisor.