Summer School in Delhi

33 students from Brazil, Germany (Universität Hamburg) and India took part in the eighth edition of the NoC Summer School in New Delhi at the National Law University Delhi on the topic “Beyond Digital India Act, Marco Civil and DSA”. From April 22nd to April 29th, they spent an intensive week with lectures, discussions and interactive learning exercises.

The programme focused on the global impact of national or continental internet and AI regulation. During the sessions, the students learned about different aspects of platform regulation like content moderation, AI regulation, algorithmic and platform transparency, platforms and elections as well as a deeper dive into the digital regulation of India, Brazil and Europe.

In lectures and interactive sessions, the students learned to think outside their national boundaries of law. In the Policy Game, the students took the role of a stakeholder group interested in shaping the new Platform regulation of a fictitious country. From Big Tech to a small NGO trying to secure the rights of minorities on platforms: Every group fought for their interests and tried to convince the jury of their ideas and proposals.

The academic program was complemented by cultural exploration of Delhi and its surrounding. Also for the first time in the history of the summer school, the German embassy invited the students for a 1 hour Q&A with German ambassador Dr. Philipp Ackermann. The cultural highlight of the summer school marked the traditional trip to UNESCO World Heritage Site Taj Mahal.

Veröffentlicht am: 19.07.2024


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