
The publicly accessible library of the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans Bredow Institute (HBI) is one of the most important specialized libraries on the subject of media / media research in northern Germany. It has over 32,500 volumes in its collection as well as an extensive journal section.

Opening hours / Registration

The HBI library is open Tuesdays to Thursdays, but prior registration at is required. You will then be given time slots in which you can work in the library. If you have any questions, please contact our library team by e-mail at

Library catalog

You can access the library catalog here:


Borrowing is possible either with a Hamburg student ID plus library card of the University (Stabi-Karte) or with a personal ID with a Hamburg address. Please bring your personal ID and your student ID/library card when registering for the first time. You may borrow up to 8 books. The general lending period is 2 weeks.


Books whose loan period has not yet expired and for which there are no reservations can be renewed twice for two weeks in the library account (access via the library catalog). If the loan period is exceeded, online renewal is no longer possible. You must then return the book or ask for an extension at the library.


The return date is displayed when you click on the “reserve” link in the loan status. Now enter your library card number and your password. In the next window you can view your account and check the entry. As soon as the book is ready for you, a message will appear in your library account. You will also receive an e-mail notification.



Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg

Opening hours

Veröffentlicht am: 01.07.2024

Contact person

Cindy Hesse

Cindy Hesse

Library / Open Access

Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg

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The Leibniz Institute for Media Research │ Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) publishes regular publications and series. Most of them are freely available for download on the Internet in open access.


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