RP 3 Knowledge for the Media Society

Research Programme 3 analyses how evidence-based knowledge from the field of media and communication science can help to meet the challenges of media change.

Key research questions are:

  • How can media change be systematically and continuously monitored?
  • How is media change reflected in different areas of society and their shared knowledge?
  • How can science sustainably fulfill its transfer function in the media society?

The research program comprises four areas of expertise

  1. Growing up in Digital Media Environments,
  2. Public Service and Public Value,
  3. Health Communication and
  4. Media History.

In these areas of expertise, we Carry out basic and applied projects in order to provide needs-based and empirical answers to current problems. The topic-specific analyses are carried out in close cooperation with relevant stakeholder groups.

In addition, the research programme systematically reflects the organization of research processes against the background of its understanding of transfer research. In this way, it aims to make media and communication science knowledge available to the various information needs in the long term.

In recent years, research projects have been carried out on the serious changes in communicative processes in the Covid-19 pandemic (BMBF – “Communication in Crises”; JRC – “Kids’ Digital Lives in Covid-19 Times”).

Other projects investigated the consequences of digital transformations on the socialization of children (DFG – “Socialization in a changing media environment”) and provided researchers, stakeholders from the education sector and policymakers with a knowledge platform (H2020 project “Children Online: Research and Evidence CO:RE”).

Spokesperson: Dr. Claudia Lampert; Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner


Last update: 16.07.2024


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