Kira Thiel

Junior Researcher Media Socialization

Kira Thiel is Junior Researcher at the Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI) since August 2019. Her work focuses on the experiences of children and adolescents in the digital world as part of the competence area “Growing up with Digital Media” within research program 3 “Knowledge for the Media Society“.

As part of the EU Kids Online project, she researches the opportunities and risks of children’s online use, among other things. Her dissertation project Coping with Stressful Online Experiences in Adolescence builds on this topic and focuses on how adolescents deal with stressful online experiences and which coping strategies they use in this regard.

Children’s and adolescents’ online use and coping were also on her agenda in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. In the project Kids’ Digital Lives in Covid-19 Times (KiDiCoTi), she investigated the effects of the lockdown on the media use and well-being of 11- to 18-year-olds.

In addition to stressful online experiences and how to cope with them, she is also interested in digital media, mainly social media platforms, in the opinion-forming process of young people and related phenomena such as social media influencers and fake news.

Kira Thiel studied communication science (minor in psychology) at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich and children’s and youth media studies at the University of Erfurt. During her studies, she worked at the JFF – Institute for Media Research and Media Education and the children’s television station KiKA of ARD and ZDF.

Contact information

Kira Thiel

Junior Researcher Media Socialization

Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg

Last update: 04.07.2024

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Works by Kira Thiel

Kleines Mädchen hält Smartphone in den Händen.
Projekt Interdisciplinary BMBF Project

Security for Children in the Digital World

This project researches the legal framework for online interaction risks for children and young people and develops ways of optimally interlinking actors and measures.

flying book with open pages
Publikation German Language Publication

Contemporary Methods of Children’s and Youth Media Research

Contemporary methods of children's and youth media research are the focus of issue 60 of the journal Medienpädagogik (in German), edited by Claudia Lampert, Jessica Kühn, Fabian Wiedel, Ada Fehr, Paulina Domdey and Kira Thiel.

Three girls on a playground staring at their smartphones
Projekt International Long-Term Comparative Study

EU Kids Online

How do children and young people in different European countries use the Internet, what risks do they encounter and how do they deal with them? An international research network is addressing these questions in a long-term study.

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