Leibniz Institute for Media Research - Hans Bredow Institute


Reports, Publications, Projects, Blog Posts & Podcasts from the Institute

Mit Dall-E generierte Illustration eines Newsrooms, den ein Roboter und ein Mensch betreten
Projekt Project of the DFG Research Group ComAI

Automation of News and Journalistic Autonomy

The project, which is part of the DFG research group ComAI, investigates communicative AI in journalism by analyzing the associated challenges for journalistic autonomy at the interactional, organizational, and societal levels.

Handydisplay mit mehren App-Icons Chat GPT
Projekt Project of the DFG Research Group ComAI

The Juridification of Communicative AI

The project, which is part of the DFG research group ComAI, is investigating the legal framework for communicative bots (in particular ChatGPT) and social bots (in particular X and Facebook) – on the one hand from the perspective of communication law, and on the other hand from the perspective of emerging AI regulation.

Screenshot: Vier Personen diskutieren virtuell.
Meldung Press Meeting of the Science Media Center

The Impact of Social Media on Election Campaigns

With a view to the German federal election on 23 February 2025, communication scientists discussed the influence of social media on the election campaign and the outcome of the election. In a virtual press meeting held in German by the Science Media Center on 8 January, Prof. Dr. Judith Möller from the HBI was joined by Prof. Dr. Andreas Jungherr (University of Bamberg) and Dr. Philipp Müller (University of Mannheim). Bastian Zimmermann from the Science Media Center moderated the discussion.

Cover des Impulspapiers
Publikation Discussion Paper for the Friedich-Ebert-Stiftung

How Can the Resilience of the German Media System Be Strengthened?

Tobias Mast has published a paper in the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung's ‘FES Impuls’ series. The paper examines the legal and structural foundations of public broadcasting and makes it clear that reforms are necessary to ensure its independence in the long term.

Auf grünen Grund gezeichnetes Megafon, aus dem Nachrichten kommen
Meldung Overview of the Campaign's First Year

Year of the News Well Received

The “Year of the News” has received a remarkable response in Germany: almost one million accounts reached on Instagram and TikTok, over 4,000 teenagers and young adults at nationwide news camps, and a successful advertising campaign under the motto “News that is true instead of stirring up sentiment”. Together, media houses and civil society have successfully worked to promote news literacy among young target groups.

Cover des Arbeitspapiers Nr. 74 "Jahr der Nachricht"
Publikation Working Paper No. 74 Available for Download

Experiences with Hands-On Actions in the Year of the News 2024

The "Year of the News 2024" project, part of the #UseTheNews initiative, aims to reach young people with a range of journalistic content and activities and get them involved in journalism. Leonie Wunderlich and Dr. Sascha Hölig researched how young people engage with the campaign and these activities.

Cover of issue 4 of the journal "Medien & Kommunikationswissenschaft"
Publikation Available as Open Access

M&K 4/2024 Published

The articles in M&K 4/2024 focus, among other things, on the topics of media use research, satire and the role of news agencies. All content is available in open access via the eLibrary of the Nomos publishing house.

Junger Mann hält ein Handy in seinem Schoß
Meldung Interview with the Online Magazine LEIBNIZ

When the War Gets Too Close

How do young people process social media posts about the Middle East war? In an interview with the online magazine LEIBNIZ, Kira Thiel talks about her research on the experiences of children and young people in the digital world, as well as the opportunities and risks associated with them.

first page of the online article
Publikation Dossier of the Federal Agency for Civic Education

AI in Social Media

In the online dossier ‘When Appearances Are Deceiving – Deepfakes and Political Reality’ from the Federal Agency for Civic Education (bpb), Jan-Hinrik Schmidt explains how social media platforms have been using machine learning technologies for some time now to curate and moderate content.

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