Leibniz Institute for Media Research - Hans Bredow Institute


Reports, Publications, Projects, Blog Posts & Podcasts from the Institute

Auf der Couch sitzende Mutter guckt mit Baby und Kleinkind auf ein Tablett
DFG Co-operation Project

Connected Kids: Socialisation in a Changing Media Environment

Children and young people use media to establish their position within their respective social groups and contexts. The role their media repertoires and communicative practices play in this and how these change over time is being examined in a qualitative longitudinal study with colleagues from the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg.

ein weißes Blatt Papier hängt mit einer Klammer an der Leine
Submission until 15 July

Call for Papers: Transmedia Conference 2025

How can "transmedia" history be implemented from a theoretical and empirical perspective? The international conference "“Transmedia History: Circulations, Reconfigurations and New Methodologies" invites submissions.

Gruppenfoto der Teilnehmenden aus Brasilien, Deutschland und Indien
Summer School in Delhi

Summer School about AI Regulation

33 students from Brazil, Germany (Universität Hamburg) and India took part in the NoC Summer School in New Delhi at the National Law University Delhi on the topic "Beyond Digital India Act, Marco Civil and DSA".

Hand eines Erwachsenen und eine Babyhand tippen auf Laptoptastatur
Compatibility of Family and Career

Certificate for Family Friendliness

On 31 May 2024, the Leibniz Institute for Media Research was awarded the "audit berufundfamilie" certificate, the quality seal for a “family and life-phase-conscious personnel policy".

Matthias C. Kettemann
Ethics in Quantum Science

Matthias C. Kettemann in World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology

The Secretary-General of the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UNESCO has appointed Prof. Matthias C. Kettemann, head of an HBI research programme, on the World Commission on the Ethics of Scientific Knowledge and Technology (COMEST).

Anna von Garmissen
Study Findings in a Podcast

How is Journalism Doing in Germany?

In the podcast "Satzzeichen", Anna von Garmissen talks about how journalism is doing in Germany and the findings of a recent study.

Illustration: Mann sitzt an einem Schreibtisch vor einem Laptop und winkt.
Study Findings in a Video

What Is the State of Journalism in Germany?

The average German journalist is male, 45.3 years old, has an academic degree and often feels stressed. The results of our latest journalist survey are now summarized in a video on YouTube.

Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner, Peter Kropsch and Dr. Peter Frey in armchairs in lively conversation in the light-flooded room with various groups of people in the background
"In the Service of News"

First Complete Account of the History of dpa Published

Hans-Ulrich Wagner has published the first scientifically sound and comprehensive account of the history of the German Press Agency (dpa).

Cover of the journal "Rechtstheorie"
Contribution to Legal Theory

On Tendencies towards the Multiplication and Dynamization of Law

In his article with the original German title "Von Kelsen zu Castells? Zu Tendenzen der Vervielfältigung und Dynamisierung des Rechts" in the journal Rechtstheorie, Tobias Mast deals with structural changes in the legal system and the actors involved.

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Event dates

Workshop on Digitalization

14. October 2024

PhD students and postdocs are invited to present their work at the joint research and network meeting on digitalization called DigiMeet.

All event dates


Information about current projects, events and publications of the institute.

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