Leibniz Institute for Media Research - Hans Bredow Institute


Reports, Publications, Projects, Blog Posts & Podcasts from the Institute

Leonie Wunderlich
Meldung New Episode of "Tonspur Wissen"

How Do Young Voters Inform Themselves?

Classic media such as radio and television continue to play a role in political education, but they are increasingly being supplemented – and in some cases replaced – by social media. What does this mean for the upcoming federal election? How do young voters inform themselves? Leonie Wunderlich discusses all of this in the new episode of “Tonspur Wissen – der Podcast von Rheinischer Post und Leibniz-Gemeinschaft".

Matthias C. Kettemann
Meldung Interview on Wissenschaftskommunikation.de

“We Do Not Have to Sound the Death Knell for Democracy”

How dangerous are disinformation campaigns? Legal expert Matthias Kettemann questions the often-invoked link between misinformation and the “threat to democracy”. In an interview with Anna Henschel on the Wissenschaftskommunikation.de portal, he refers to recently published research findings.

KI-generiertes Bild mit drei Knetfiguren, die ein Selfie von sich machen
Meldung Expert Opinion for the KJM

When Filtering Distorts Body Image

Due to beauty filters, young people are often confronted with unrealistic beauty ideals on social media. This can lead to body image disorders as well as eating disorders. So should edited images be labeled? Not a good idea, says an expert opinion by the HBI on behalf of the KJM: The legal requirements for an enforceable legal regulation are high, and the positive effects of labeling are controversial. Instead of a legal labeling requirement, the algorithms of the platforms could be adapted to promote more diverse and realistic body representations.

Cover of Working Paper No. 75
Publikation Working Paper Available for Download

Labeling of Edited (Influencer) Photos: Necessity, Effect, Regulatory Approaches

Do digitally edited photos in social media have to be labeled? On behalf of the Commission for the Protection of Minors in the Media (KJM), the HBI investigated the necessity of a legal labeling requirement for edited photos and videos. The expert opinion was presented to the public on 5 February 2025 and is available for download here as a working paper.

Stolpersteine mit leuchtenden Kerzen und Rosen drum herum.
Meldung Blog Series of the Leibniz Research Alliance “Value of the Past”

How German-Speaking Memorial Sites Engage with TikTok to Preserve Remembrance

How are concentration camp memorials using the platform TikTok for remembrance work? Liv Ohlsen and Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner take a look at the so-called Historytoks for Generation Z and show in a three-part blog series how concentration camp memorials are taking up this new form of digital remembrance work on their TikTok accounts.

Jan Rau
Meldung Expertise in "Le Monde"

Influence of Extreme Right-Wing Accounts on Elon Musk’s View of Europe

How much influence do far-right accounts have on Elon Musk's perception of Europe? Quite a lot, as the French newspaper Le Monde has pointed out in a recent article. Jan Rau was interviewed as an expert on the topic of “the extreme right and social media”.

Illustration: ein oranger Roboter sitzt inmitten schwarzer Figuren, die Menschen darstellen
Projekt Project of the DFG Research Group ComAI

Communicative AI and Deliberative Quality

What impact do social bots that use Large Language Models (LLMs) have on the quality of political discourse? The project investigates communicative AI in the social domain of political discourse using discourse monitoring and discourse intervention and thus with a largely experimental approach. The case studies are debates in German on the topic of climate change on X, Mastodon and Bluesky.

Cover of the online article on “Mediendiskurs”
Publikation Article on the Platform mediendiskurs

About Constant Dripping and the Sum of Its Parts

The article by Stephan Dreyer and Sünje Andresen examines the challenges that arise for the regulatory framework of child and youth media protection as a result of “micro content” and the cross-platform media use of children and young people, and investigates whether and how regulation can do justice to these new realities.

Auf einen leeren Stuhlkreis fällt ein Lichstrahl vom hoch angebrachten Fenster
Meldung New Event Format at HIIG

Spotlight: Community Notes Instead of Fact-Checking

The first edition of the new online discussion series “Spotlight” at HIIG focused on Mark Zuckerberg's decision to end the cooperation with external fact-checkers on all of Meta's platforms (Facebook, Instagram and Threads) in the US and to rely on “Community Notes” instead. The guest was Matthias C. Kettemann, and Katharina Mosene moderated the discussion.

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