Current Research Projects

Here you will find all research projects that have been or are being carried out at the HBI since its admission to the Leibniz Association in 2019.

Last update: 03.07.2024

Current projects

Kleines Mädchen hält Smartphone in den Händen.
Interdisciplinary BMBF Project

Security for Children in the Digital World

This project researches the legal framework for online interaction risks for children and young people and develops ways of optimally interlinking actors and measures.

Hand tippt auf Smartphone
How do software systems affect user behavior?

Software Systems, the Public and Participation

The aim of this project is to develop a communication-sociological approach to the relationship between software systems, the public sphere and participation.

Fußspuren im Sand
Collaborative Project

Political Polarization and Online Information Environments

What is the interplay between the diversity of our information exposure online and the polarization of our political opinions towards certain issues or groups over time?

Lichtinstallation: Weiße Quader schweben in dunkelblauem Raum
Volkswagen Foundation Funds Joint Project

Informing Regulatory Reasoning on Algorithmic Systems in Societal Communication with STEAM

The project, which is located between media law and computer science, aims to use a new method to visualize the functioning of news distribution on digital platforms and thus offer media regulation opportunities for new regulatory approaches.

Äpfel in einer Sortiermaschine
New Methods in Automated Content Analysis

Few-Shot Learning in Communication Science

The cooperation project transfers computer science methods to empirical communication science. Semi-automated content analyses can thus also examine vast amounts of data.

Junge Frau im Halbschatten blickt in die Ferne.
Health Communication

Fertility and Ethics in Oncology

On behalf of the German Cancer Aid, this cooperative project investigates how younger patients with newly diagnosed cancer can be optimally counseled in dealing with fertility issues.

Schloss Schwerin
Telephone Survey

Media Use and Political Culture in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania

The study aims to provide an overview of politically oriented media use and political culture in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern as well as to develop strategies to improve outreach to population groups that largely avoid news.

Zeitung, Notizbuch mit Stift, Mobiltelefon, Kaffeebecher und Sonnenbrill auf einem Holztisch
International Study on News Usage

Reuters Institute Digital News Report

The annual international representative survey conducted by the Reuters Institute in Oxford examines news usage and reveals general trends and national characteristics of developments. The Leibniz Institute for Media Research is conducting the German part of the study.

Mensch steht auf grauem Grund in der Mitte einer runden Spielfeldmarkierung. Er wirft einen langen Schatten.
Human in the Machine

Human In the Loop? Autonomy and Automation in Socio-Technical Systems

The research project Human in the Loop? investigates how human participation can improve automated decision-making processes.

Dunkler Serverraum
For a Secure Data Exchange

Data Portal Right-Wing Extremism

A research data infrastructure is to be further developed for the "Data Portal for Research on Racism and Right-Wing Extremism".

Kunden an Blumenstand auf einem Markt
Project within the RISC

Integration-Related Remit and Functions of Public Service Media

Are public service media legally obliged to create social cohesion? And how is the integration-related performance of these media perceived?

Logo von, ein stilisierter Affe, auf orangem Grund. Darunter die Webadresse:
Local News App Validation of a Relational Platform for Urban Publics

After a successful test run in Bremen, a science team is researching how the local news and information app "" can be made available nationwide.

Based on data from the Reuters Institute Digital News Survey

Trust in Established News Sources

The project examines the relationship between the news sources people use and the trust people place in news. It is based on data from the Reuters Institute Digital News Survey.

Diskussionsrunde im TV
FGZ Project on the Journalism-Audience Relationship

What Journalists Want and What They Ought to Do

What does the public expect from journalists and how do they view their own role in terms of social cohesion?

People walk across a zebra crossing to the left and right
Research network

Research Institute Social Cohesion

At the Research Institute Social Cohesion (Forschungsinstitut Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt FGZ), the HBI researches the role of the media in social cohesion.

Bildschirm mit Code
Database for FGZ projects

(Social) Media Observatory

The (Social) Media Observatory is a database for the systematic observation of the media-based public sphere.

Symbolbild: zwei Statuen mit VR-Brillen
AI Usage under the Microscope

Generative Artificial Intelligence for Information Navigation

The BMBF project investigates how often and in which areas generative artificial intelligence (AI) such as Chat GPT is used privately and professionally.

Stethoskop liegt auf Smartphone.
Interdisciplinary Network

Network for Media and Health Communication

This project establishes a network to support interdisciplinary exchange in the field of health communication.

Kugel mit unzähligen Portaitfotos darauf. Im Hintergrund, die Verdrahtungen einer Festplatte.
World's Largest Journalism Study

Journalism under Duress

As part of the world's largest journalism study, "Worlds of Journalism", this representative survey examines the profession of journalism and explores the stresses and strains faced by professional journalists in Germany.

Symbolbild: Menschen in dunklem Raum
Monitoring and Improving the DSA

DSA Research Network

In the DSA Research Network, experts from all over Europe monitor the implementation of the Digital Services Act (DSA) and work together on reform proposals.

Spielfiguren und Playmobil-Gegenstände auf einem Haufen: Radio, Laptop, Fernseher, Kamera, Buch und Zeitung.
International Cooperation

Transnational Media Histories

Relationships between media and by media do not stop at borders. The cooperative project with the Macquarie University in Sydney investigates such transnational histories of media.

Drei Menschen stehen an einen Maschendrahtzaun gelehnt. Einer blickt ins Smartphone
Subproject Research Institute Social Cohesion

Media Use and Social Cohesion

How do people in different social situations use different kind of media? And how do they contribute to the creation of public spheres and social cohesion?

Junger Mann im Café mit Laptop und Smartphone
Subproject Research Institute for Social Cohesion

Transfer Office “Media and Social Cohesion”

The transfer office “Media and Social Cohesion” is coordinating all transfer and research acitivities of the projects, which the HBI contributes to the Research Institute Social Cohesion.

Junge Frau mit Kopfhörern schaut ins Smartphone.
Study for Hamburg Senate and dpa

Use the News

In the "Use the News" project, the Leibniz Institute for Media Research is researching the news literacy of the population under the age of 30.

Nahaufnahme eines Netzes
Rules in Digital Communication Spaces

Norms of the Net

The framework project bundles research activities in the area of the structural perspective investigation of rule formation in digital communication spaces.

Paper stack
Scientific Accompanying Research

Repository for Policy Documents

Our institute provided scientific support for the development of this specific information and consulting infrastructure.

Illustration: Person blickt ins Smartphone
Funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research

The Role of Celebrities in Disinformation Campaigns

This project examines the communication of "celebrities" in social media to gain a better understanding of their role in disinformation campaigns.

Redakteure im dpa-Büro
Value of the News

The History of the German Press Agency (dpa)

The project compiles a comprehensive history of the German Press Agency from 1949 to the present. It shows the significance of the dpa as a leading news agency for public communication in Germany as well as for the democratisation of the German society after the end of the Second World War will be worked out.

Menschen vor einem Gemälde im Amsterdamer Rijksmuseum
Project in the Leibniz Research Network "Value of the Past”

Practices of Appropriating the Past

The past is negotiated by many actors and made relevant for the present in ever new communicative practices.

Three girls on a playground staring at their smartphones
International Long-Term Comparative Study

EU Kids Online

How do children and young people in different European countries use the Internet, what risks do they encounter and how do they deal with them? An international research network is addressing these questions in a long-term study.


Information about current projects, events and publications of the institute.

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