Safety for Children in the Digital World: Research Findings and Fields of Action

  • Date: 24.06.24 - 26.07.24
  • Location: Berlin
  • Time: 11:00 h

At the final conference of the Project “Safety for Children in the Digital World” (SIKID)Dr. Claudia LampertDr. Stephan DreyerKira Thiel and Sünje Andresen will present research findings and fields of action as well as options for increasing the safety and empowerment of children and young people in the digital world.

In the project, the HBI team researched the legal framework for online interaction risks of children and young people, developed options for the optimal interlinking of actors and measures and examined the coping strategies used by young people during and after stressful situations.

The event will be held in German.


11:00 a.m.: Welcome address
Dr. Katharina Kloke, BMBF Department of Civil Security Research

11:10 a.m.: Welcome and highlights – Findings from the SIKID research project
Dr. Ingrid Stapf, Dr. Stephan DreyerDr. Claudia Lampert, Dr. Jan Pfetsch

11:40 a.m.: Presentation of the SIKID options for action with audience discussion
Moderation and input: Dr. Ingrid Stapf, Laura Schelenz

12:30 p.m. Lunch break

1:15 p.m.: Input from the field

Moderation and input: Dr. Stephan DreyerSünje Andresen
Experience Report “Sounds Wrong” Campaign: Prevention of Child Pornography and the Distribution of Criminal Content in the Digital World
Thomas Dobrzewski, Police Crime Prevention of the Federal States and the Federal Government

1:45 p.m.: Output in Practice
Moderation and input: PD Dr. Jan Pfetsch
Development of an Educational Program to Promote Digital Civil Courage
Felix Paschel, Technical University of Berlin

2:15 p.m.: Coffee break

2:30 p.m.: Interactive panel with young people
Moderation: Laura Schelenz, Input: Dr. Claudia LampertKira Thiel 
Young People’s Perspective on Security in the Digital World: Juuuport Scouts Report Juuuport Scouts

3:00 p.m.: Panel discussion: How Do We Manage to Anchor Safety as a Children’s Right at all Levels in the Stakeholder Network?

Moderation: PD Dr. Jessica Heesen

Andrea Güde, Public Prosecutor at the Central Office for Combating Computer and Internet Crime, Justice Hesse,
Lennart Wetzel, Head of DACH Public Policy at Snap Inc,
Jutta Croll, Director of the Digital Opportunities Foundation,
Sebastian Gutknecht, Director of the Federal Agency for the Child and Youth Protection in the Media (BzKJ)

4:00 p.m.: Acknowledgements and farewell

Program as PDF

Event details


bUm – Raum für solidarisches Miteinander
Paul-Lincke-Ufer 21
10999 Berlin


Research programme:

RP 3 Knowledge for the Media Society

Area of competence:

Competence Area Growing Up in Digital Media Environments

Persons involved:

Contact person

Stephan Dreyer

Dr. Stephan Dreyer

Senior Researcher Media Law & Media Governance

Leibniz Institute for Media Research | Hans-Bredow-Institut (HBI)
Rothenbaumchaussee 36
20148 Hamburg


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