Event Archive

You can find a selection of the events we have organized and in which we participated recently here.

Last update: 17.07.2024

Events archive

Event as Part of the G20 Summit

Artificial Intelligence in a Global Context

18. July 2024

International experts from science, economy and politics will discuss the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on various areas of society.

Rio de Janeiro/Livestream


Leibniz Media Lecture

Living in Different Worlds? Social Networks and Societal Cohesion in Germany

2. July 2024

The next Leibniz Media Lecture will be hosted by the Hamburg section of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC). Dr. Jean-Yves Gerlitz and Dr. Nils Teichler, researchers at the RISC's section in Bremen, will present the RISC's first cohesion report.

Final Conference

Safety for Children in the Digital World: Research Findings and Fields of Action

24. June 2024

At the final conference of the Project “Safety for Children in the Digital World” (SIKID), Dr. Claudia Lampert, Dr. Stephan Dreyer, Kira Thiel and Sünje Andresen will present research findings and fields of action as well as options for increasing the safety and empowerment of children and young people in the digital world.


14th Hamburg Media Symposium

Resonance Instead of Dissonance: On the Pacemakers of the Social Dialogue

18. June 2024

The 14th Hamburg Media Symposium was held on June, 18, 2024 and discussed possibilities to counteract the slipping public discourse with experts from law, journalism and science.

Science Year "Freedom"

Navigating Freedom – How Do We Protect Academic Freedom, Freedom of the Press and Freedom of Opinion?

13. June 2024

On deck of the MS Wissenschaft in Hamburg, together with journalists and academics from the fields of media and political science, we will take a look at three fundamental values of our society: freedom of the press, freedom of expression and academic freedom.



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