You can find a selection of the events we have organized and in which we participated recently here.
Last update: 17.07.2024
You can find a selection of the events we have organized and in which we participated recently here.
Last update: 17.07.2024
Prof. Dr. Matthias Kettemann has been invited by the Association for Media Education and Communication Culture (GMK) to speak about the role of mis- and disinformation in the age of artificial intelligence. He will present current research findings and derive regulatory, civil society and educational measures to strengthen information integrity and democratic resilience.
In a public lecture as part of Hamburg's Week of Science Communication, Prof. Dr. Judith Möller will discuss the extent to which algorithms and fake news in social media influence political voting behavior.
Dr. Stephan Dreyer will speak about the current legal framework for age verification and age verification in digital spaces at the medien impuls symposium. He will then take part in a final discussion with other experts on the question “Which risks are minimized by age checks – and which remain or arise?”
The 70th annual conference of the German Communication Association (DGPuK) will be held between March 19 and 21, 2025 and is organized by the Institute for Media and Communication Studies at Freie Universität Berlin and the Weizenbaum Institute for the Networked Society. The conference topic is Public Spheres and Their Values. Several HBI researchers will be at the venue with their own presentations or participating in panels.
Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt will give the opening presentation for the event series "Net Shapes Politics". He will discuss how digital media is changing our public debates and social cohesion.
The next event of the series “Digitaler Salon” hosted by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) will focus on how we think about the future and the role of digitalisation in it. How much room for manoeuvre do we have, and how can we think about the future in such a way that it is not just a threat or an ideal, but something that we can consciously influence?
In this Lunchtalk, Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann talks about platform regulation, the normative order of the internet and the current challenges and ways to an informed public. How does disinformation affect our democracy - and is all the talk about it perhaps the bigger problem?
Jan Rau will give a keynote speech on “Digital Turbulence: Challenges for a Democratic Society in Times of Digital Upheaval” at the symposium of the Rhineland-Palatinate Ministry for Family Affairs, Women, Culture and Integration, Rhineland-Palatinate.
At an event organized by the Regional Youth Council of Hamburg, Dr. Jan-Hinrik Schmidt explains how social media shape our opinion-forming, our participation and social cohesion.
How do discriminatory structures persist in the digital world? Katharina Mosene will be discussing this at the conference “What Can AI Do, and What Cannot It Do?” at the Junge Akademie Loccum.
The next Leibniz Media Lunch Talk will be hosted by the Hamburg office of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC) and will be led by Dr. Mareike Wieland. She will present paradigms of mobile research and use case studies to show how the GESIS AppKit can be used to implement mobile research designs independently.
As part of the “Lenz on Stage” series of events, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner will speak at the matinee “Literature on the Microphone – Siegfried Lenz and the Radio” at the Hamburg Kammerspiele.
The next event in the “Digitaler Salon” series hosted by the Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) will start at 7 p.m. and will focus on the change in the climate of our discussions, what social media might have to do with it, and how we can protect ourselves from tipping the point of democratic opinion-forming.
What would the abolition of public broadcasting mean for the media system and for society? Anna von Garmissen will discuss this topic at the opening event of the “Media for People” series at the Academy for Political Education in Tutzing.
The Alexander von Humboldt Institute for Internet and Society (HIIG) invites you to the launch of the new online format “Spotlight”. In the first edition, Prof. Dr. Jeanette Hofmann and Prof. Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann take a look at Mark Zuckerberg's decision to end all meta-platforms' collaboration with external fact-checkers in the US.
The next Leibniz Media Lecture will be hosted by the Hamburg section of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC). Prof. Dr. Jana Lasser, University of Graz, talks about the spread of online misinformation on social media as a problem for societal cohesion and democracy.
For this Leibniz Media Lunch Talk we welcome Dr. T.J. Thomson, RMIT University, Melbourne. He will present a study that explores how news users experience AI-generated or AI-edited content in journalism.
Must, should or may digitally manipulated photos be labelled as such in social media? This question is the focus of an expert opinion presented by Dr. Stephan Dreyer at the KJM in Dialogue 2024.
Dr Felix Muench will take part in the conference "Political Narratives in Public Discourse: Theory, Recognition, and Impact" at the Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences.
On the occasion of the anniversary of the November pogroms of 1938, Dr. Hans-Ulrich Wagner will talk about his book chapter "Media Sites and Cultural Spaces. Jewish Breslau and Broadcasting", published in the collection Breslau / Wrocław 1933-1949. Studies in the Topography of the Shoah.
PhD students and postdocs are invited to present their work at the joint research and network meeting on digitalization called DigiMeet.
International experts from science, economy and politics will discuss the latest developments in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and their impact on various areas of society.
The next Leibniz Media Lecture will be hosted by the Hamburg section of the Research Institute Social Cohesion (RISC). Dr. Jean-Yves Gerlitz and Dr. Nils Teichler, researchers at the RISC's section in Bremen, will present the RISC's first cohesion report.
At the final conference of the Project “Safety for Children in the Digital World” (SIKID), Dr. Claudia Lampert, Dr. Stephan Dreyer, Kira Thiel and Sünje Andresen will present research findings and fields of action as well as options for increasing the safety and empowerment of children and young people in the digital world.
The 14th Hamburg Media Symposium was held on June, 18, 2024 and discussed possibilities to counteract the slipping public discourse with experts from law, journalism and science.
On deck of the MS Wissenschaft in Hamburg, together with journalists and academics from the fields of media and political science, we will take a look at three fundamental values of our society: freedom of the press, freedom of expression and academic freedom.