Wie Staaten und Plattformen mit COVID-19-bezogener Desinformation umgehen

Das Working Paper untersucht den Umgang mit COVID-19-bezogenen Falschnachrichten auf Online-Plattformen in 20 verschiedenen Ländern. Es wurde von PD Dr. Matthias C. Kettemann und Martin Fertmann als Teil der Global Digital Human Rights Network Paper Serie herausgegeben und ist als Open Access kostenfrei verfügbar.

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This study explores the spread of disinformation relating to the Covid-19 pandemic on the internet, dubbed by some as the pandemic’s accompanying “infodemic,” and the societal reactions to this development across different countries and platforms. The study’s focus is on the role of states and platforms in combatting online disinformation.

Through synthesizing answers to questions submitted by more than 40 researchers from 20 countries within the GDHR Network, this exploratory study provides a first overview of how states and platforms have dealt with Corona-related disinformation. This can also provide incentives for further rigorous studies of disinformation governance standards and their impact across different socio-cultural environments.

Kettemann, M. C.; Fertmann, M.: (Hrsg.) Viral Information: How States and Platforms Deal with Covid-19-related Disinformation: an Exploratory Study of 20 Countries (Hamburg: Verlag Hans-Bredow-Institut, 2020), GDHRNet Working Paper #1




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FP 2 Regelungsstrukturen und Regelbildung in digitalen Kommunikationsräumen

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