Dr. Felix V. Münch nimmt als Referent an der Konferenz „Political Narratives in Public Discourse: Theory, Detection, and Impact“ am Max-Planck-Institut für Mathematik in den Wissenschaften teil. Er hält einen Vortrag mit dem Titel: „Context Matters: Time as a Parameter in Explorable Hierarchical Topic Modeling in Large-Scale Cross-Platform Online Discourses“.
Über die Konferenz (in Englisch)
Since the narrative turn in social sciences, questions about how narratives are formed, how they impact, and how they shape political and public spaces have become central across various disciplines, including political science, sociology, psychology, cognitive sciences, communication studies, history, and more recently, computational social sciences. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together experts from these and other fields to discuss the latest research and to exchange experiences and knowledge on this important topic. The workshop will cover various aspects of political narratives, including their theoretical foundations, the latest methods for their detection and analysis, and their impact on society and democratic processes. The role of narratives in public discourse, their transformation due to the impact of social media and AI, their influence on political attitudes, belief networks, cultural memory and collective identity, polarization, trust, and uncertainty, will be discussed. The workshop will feature several panels with invited speakers, providing an interdisciplinary forum for reflecting on the influence of narratives in the context of the new transformation of the public sphere and their potential role as facilitators of new democratic practices.