The Far-Right on the Rise – What Germany Needs to Learn from the Capitol Siege

Auf seinem Blog schreibt Jan Rau über den Sturm auf das Kapitol in den USA und was Deutschland daraus lernen sollte (auf Englisch).

Zum Blogbeitrag


January 6, 2021 offered a dramatic start to the new year: A mob of Donald Trump supporting rioters stormed to the U.S. Capitol to disrupt the vote count of the Electoral College and the certification of Joe Biden’s victory. These incidents represent a frightening (and potentially only temporary) climax of a democracy-threatening rise of the far-right in the US and they constitute a strong warning signal in the context of a world wide ascent of far-right actors, parties and movements. Germany should take this warning seriously and consider the implications for its own political situation. Far from coming out of nowhere, the riots were grounded in far-reaching dynamics which go back well before Trump’s presidency and which can be witnessed not only in the USA but elsewhere too. While there are considerable differences between the USA and Germany (in terms of the political system, the media landscape and the current strength of the far-right), there are indeed lessons to learn about the rise of the far right, the threat it poses, and how to counteract it.

Rau, J. (2021): The Far-Right on the Rise – What Germany Needs to Learn from the Capitol Siege. In: Jan Rau – Blog,





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